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His Name is Siva Shankar..(40)
'A series of exclusive interviews with Siva Shankar Baba'

-N C Sangeethaa
 Q    Why should we experience all the trials and tribulations of this world? 


The reply lies in the question itself. Experience. Life itself is an experience.

          Adi Sankara was asked, ‘What is the purpose of this human life?’ (Kimsaare Samsaaram). To which he replied, ‘The purpose of life is the experiences we gain, the achievements and the downfalls, the joys and sorrows’ (Samsaare kimsaaram)

          Our thoughts determine the course of our lives. Our desires, like the seeds sown by a farmer, grow deep-rooted in our hearts and influence the births we take on Earth. As long as you nurture desires, you will continue taking more births.

          Provoked by the frustration that life deals you in a particular birth, you realize that life is illusion and death reduces even emperors to ashes. And then you grow sublime like Arunagirinatha says, ‘Desires were doused and the Eternal Bliss occupied that vacant place’. (‘Aasa nigalum thugalaagiyapin pesaa Anubhuthi pirandhadhuve!’)

          When we attain this state, freeing ourselves from the weeds of desires, we rise beyond the vicious cycle of births and deaths. This is real Nirvana, the state of no-thoughts. And if we are able to reach beyond this state of no-thoughts, to become a Cosmic Force, that is Maha Nirvana.

            Arunagirinatha pleads with Muruga, ‘Will you not reveal to me the secret of rising above the consciousness of the self? (‘Ellam ara Enai marandha nalam Sollai Muruga Surabhoopathiye!’)

            Just as Azhwar sings, ‘The Eternal Bliss swallowed me, and what remained was Bliss and nothing else’. (‘Yaanaagiya ennai vizhungi Thaanai thani Ninradhu Tharparam’) This is the consciousness of the self, giving way to the consciousness of the Supreme. Even the celestials worship a person who is able to quell his bodily ego and rise beyond thoughts. The world does not affect such a person in any way. A brick of cement and a gold tablet, both mean nothing to him. Even salvation does not appeal to him. When he rises beyond wants, he attains what is required, and that is salvation. (‘Atradhu patrenil utradhu Veedu’ ).


(Baba's reply for other questions continues next week....)


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