A Designer Web Site from Nila Weavers
His Name is Siva Shankar..(57)
'A series of exclusive interviews with Siva Shankar Baba'

-N C Sangeethaa


          Q    Though we exercise control, negative thoughts come to our minds.   How do we prevent them?





Thiruvalluvar says ' You should entertain only noble thoughts. Do not worry about consequences'.  

Every time there is a confrontation between the good and bad in the mind. That is the fire test. There is nothing wrong in the conflict. Owning up that you have these thoughts is by itself an achievement. Ignoring them because you realise that they are bad thoughts is a great achievement.  

But do not bother about results. As you commence every day, tell God, 'Dear Lord! You are the one motivating all my thoughts, words and actions. Please accept responsibility for them'. And then set out on your daily activities. Then you need not worry at all. God is caught tight in your prayers. But you should pray. And listen to the voice of your conscience. If your prayer is sincere, you will get positive thoughts and the motivation to act positive. God watches whether you make that sankalpa or not.   


( baba's replies to other questions continues next week....)


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