His Name is Siva Shankar..(91)
'A series of exclusive interviews with Siva Shankar Baba'
-N C Sangeethaa

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Q.  Dear Baba,
Forgive me for testing you, but can you tell me something about me? About where I live at present What sadhana I follow, etc? Once again pls. forgive me for testing you.

<< About where I live at present >>

"I" always "lives in the present" only. That is the true nature of the self. One who has absolute mastery over oneself deals with life as a "minute-to-minute" compartment. Savour the present (meaning 'gift') that the present is.

          << What sadhana I follow, etc? >>

The true Sadhana to be followed is mercy towards all beings knowing that each one is but a reflection of oneself.

          << Once again pls forgive me for testing you >>

There is no "you" testing or "me" answering. There is but one entity.

(Based on the request of viewers, we have created a new email id where you can address your queries to Baba. Mail your queries to soughtclarifies@yahoo.com Baba replies to all queries during the daily Sathsangh and nilacharal.com will publish the transcribed version of His reply.)

( Baba's replies to other questions continues next week....)


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